No one is perfect and expecting anyone to do things right all the time is impossible.
How can anyone remember all of the steps that go along with each task?
When mistakes happen, it is easy to get upset at who made the mistake.
However, I always try to step back and look at the processes and procedures that go along with those tasks to see if there was a breakdown there first.
Establishing written processes and procedures can help in many ways to keep your practice running smoothly and efficiently.
Whenever I take on a new consulting client the first things I want to know about are the processes and procedures that they have set up. This helps me establish a few things about their practice.
1. Is it set up for success? (Do they have processes and procedures?)
2. Is there room for improvement? (Are the processes and procedures working?)
Here is a list of some of the most common processes and procedures that I help create with my clients.
Onboarding a New Therapist
Onboarding a New Client
Scheduling an Appointment
Responding to Client Email
Answering Calls
Referring Out a Client
Discharge of a Client
Client Issues
Billing Denials
Insurance Processing

There are many areas that a Private Practice can benefit from having strategic processes and procedures.
It doesn’t have to all be done in one day. It’s okay to take baby steps to achieve each process and procedure you feel your practice needs. It’s also important to review your processes and procedures on a yearly basis because often updates need to be made.
Lastly, it’s important to have a system in place so that when things get off track you can quickly get them back to where they need to be.
If you feel like you need help along the way feel free to reach out and schedule a 15-minute call to see if I am the right fit for your consulting needs.